Kevin Marsh is a web developer from Toledo, OH with a focus on simplicity and usability, an eye for design, and insatiable curiosity.
Elasticsearch works really well with JSON. However, you can’t just ship plain ‘ol JSON, you have to use the bulk API. You could write a script in your favorite program language to do this, but you can use the incredibly-awesome jq tool piped to curl on the command line.
First, make sure you have jq installed. On a Mac, its a quick brew install jq
Then, do something like this:
cat file.json | jq -c '.[] | {"index": {"_index": "bookmarks", "_type": "bookmark", "_id": .id}}, .' | curl -XPOST localhost:9200/_bulk --data-binary @-
We’re taking the file file.json
and piping its contents to jq
first with the -c
flag to construct compact output. Here’s the nugget: We’re taking advantage of the fact that jq can construct not only one but multiple objects per line of input. For each line, we’re creating the control JSON Elasticsearch needs (with the ID from our original object) and creating a second line that is just our original JSON object (.
At this point we have our JSON formatted the way Elasticsearch’s bulk API expects it, so we just pipe it to curl
which POSTs it to Elasticsearch!